Who inspires the experts?

Who inspires the experts?

Have you ever wondered where talented people get their inspirations from? What sets them slightly apart is often, drive, ambition, compassion, flair, style or a magical blend of qualities that combine to make these people successful and original. We started wondering…. who influences them? Who do they aspire to? What spurs them on? So, after a little digging and a few emails later, we found out so that we could share it here with you


‘My fashion inspiration for the past fifty years has been taken from my lovely friend Barbara Hulanicki, the founder of the iconic London store Biba who was my first ever employer when I was seventeen years old when I worked at Biba – now we are busy designing a collection of shoes together for French Sole. Another inspiring woman is Ines de la Fresange – who never ceases to amaze me with her clever and innovative fashion style and lastly I adore Rachel Zoe the stylist , who I have met several times in Los Angeles . Rachel’s style is a brilliant mix of vintage, retro ethnic, boho and Chanel – all heavily over accessorised but with such originality and style that I am always in awe’Founder and Designer, Jane Winkworth, French Sole.


I love browsing online and my big favourites are Restoration Hardware and Houzz, plus pinterest & Tumblr – I love Alex Macarthur (a unique and inspiring Brighton based designer I met at Decorex a few years ago), magazines, especially Living Etc…..I also just love old buildings with original old big scale features, flea markets, and movie sets. Amanda Erritt, Interior Designer Iddesign 


 ‘When first starting out I was going to pursue a career in fashion. I obviously headed down the hairdressing path but never strayed from the fashion industry as proven by TONI&GUY’s long-term sponsorship of London Fashion Week, British Fashion Awards and Scottish Fashion Awards. We also work very closely with several key menswear designers during London Collections: Men. I will always regard Lee McQueen as one of the fashion greats. Also, My dad is at the very top of my list. It was due to his vision and willingness to take a risk all those years ago, followed by ongoing drive, determination and hard work that has made TONI&GUY the most successful global hairdressing brand.

 Sacha Mascolo-Tarbuck, Global Creative Director, TONI&GUY.


'I find that I am most inspired when I travel.  There is something about being in an environment that is out of my every day routine that gets my creative energy going.  Whether it’s an amazing door, a unique colour combination, or just an incredible meal, I think there is always something to spark the imagination when one opens the mind to experiencing new cultures, new ways of thinking and, ultimately, new ways of approaching design’. Summer Williams, Director, Summer Williams Design.


‘I can tell you who inspires me; anyone or any situation where there is triumph over adversity. Someone or something succeeding and winning but against all odds. Cancer patients, grieving and heartbroken people, managing to get up and carry on. Amazing human spiritual strength inspires me’. James Constantinou, star of Channel 4’s Posh Pawn and Director of Prestige Asset Finance Limited 

 ‘From a design perspective I have been most inspired through my career by Johnny Grey, the maverick architect and kitchen designer who threw the rule-book out of the window. I align with his visionary ideas for today’s living and creative use of materials and colour.   I am also inspired daily by the incredible talents of our local artisans who produce unique creations, leading trends and pushing the boundaries for interior decorating, upcycling and ethical living’. Julia Kendell, Interior Design Professional, Presenter and D.I.Y. Diva.


 ‘I like humour, I like colour and I like those things to come together without having to go to a museum. That’s where the artist Camille Walala comes in – her bold, bright wall murals can be found everywhere from Old Street’s Splice building to a random playground in Dalston. Art should be part of life and Walala makes it accessible to everyone and anyone – from frazzled hipsters to hyperactive pre-schoolers’. Anna Whitehouse, expert at Shortlist Magqazine, founder of blogzine Mother Pukka.

‘Branding guru Fiona Humberstone – she’s pretty new in terms of who ‘should’ inspire us, but when it comes to all things branding, she is definitely up there as one of the most inspirational. She communicates the rules of branding via aspirational visuals, and she does it with utter ease; calmly and without using confusing ‘industry related’ jargon. 
Her book, How To Style Your Brand should be every lifestyle company’s bible – the photography and graphics she uses are spot on, and she respects and pushes those who she admires without holding back her little black book. One more person who has ALWAYS inspired me has been Vivienne Westwood. I remember the days Sarah Stockbridge used to be her muse and model, and fell madly in love with her style of design, and always try to buy at least one dress a year from her Davies Street or Conduit Street store. Her love and appreciateion of history, her groundbreaking Human Rights/Eco campaigning and the fact she comes from Derby and moved to London, to Sex Shop/Punk History, she is just the most amazing, fierce (I would never want to work for the woman, I’ve heard all sorts of horror stories), Female Warrior Legend I aspire to be. So for me personally, she is the lady I would take as the most inspirational’. Liz Owen, Illustrator and PR Director.

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