Sleep is so important to our wellbeing. However, with modern technology, we are finding it more and more difficult to separate work from pleasure and switch off. Ultimately leading to fatigue, lack of productivity and being a bit too grouchy. That’s why we think it is essential to create a harmonious bedroom, without distraction to ensure you get a great nights sleep each and every night.
Feng Shui in the Bedroom
How do you get a great nights sleep? I hear you ask. Well, there any many things you can do such as not eating too late, having a break from the electronics and heading to be at a sensible hour. But there is also the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui.
“A system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi), and whose favourable or unfavourable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.”
That may feel like a very broad definition, but to put it simply, we can change the flow of energy and our mood by following a few basic guidelines to make out homes more harmonious and happy spaces. Here’s how:
Avoid Sleeping with your Feet Facing the Door
This may sound like an odd one, but the Chinese believe sleeping with your feet facing the door is bad luck, as this is the Coffin Position. (I’ll let you google why this is called the Coffin Position). However, if your feet are directly facing an opening of your door, place a piece of furniture in-between. This could be a bench or trunk at the end of your bed to block any bad energy.
The Loop Backless Bench is a great addition to the end of your bed.
Avoid Sleeping under a Window
It is believed that negative energy can enter the room through the window, being passed directly to you. A great way of combating this would be to hang a curtain to stop the bad chi from entering.
Clear your Mind and Room
This is true of any room in your home, but keeping your space clutter free and clean will make you feel a million times better but also mentally decluttering. There’s nothing more stressful than a pile of clothes strewn across a chair of a box of receipts spilling out. So put away your clothes at the end of each day, and be sure to file away any papers or products.
Top Tip- A few pretty storage boxes or baskets will give you space to clear your room while looking oh so pretty. Just be sure to avoid clear boxes, as these will make things worse!
Small baskets and boxes will keep all those little bits and bobs tucked away. The Acute Console can be used as a handy compact dressing table to keep your beauty products organised.
Circulate Energy and Air Throughout your Room
If you want to wake each morning feeling refreshed, fresh air is a great recommendation. So, by sleeping with a window open with allow air and energy to flow around the space. However, if you live on a busy road or, try a small fan to keep things moving. You don’t have to sleep with a fan on all night, but the noise has also been linked back to calming and promoting a great nights sleep.
Paint your Room in Calming Colours
Colours can have a drastic effect on our moods, which is why getting the right colour in your bedroom is key to a good nights sleep. Avoid any highly saturated colours like bright reds or pinks, and choose more harmonious colours. Pale blues and neutrals are subtle enough to not affect your sleeping, while also being bang on trend. Keep accessories muted too, and be sure to run the duster around regularly to keep things looking fresh.
Calming blue’s are great colours for the bedroom as the promote tranquility and relaxation.
Top Quick Tips for Better Sleep
So there are a few Feng Shui beliefs which can aid you sleeping. There are a few more quick changes you can make to ensure you wake refreshed each morning…
- Avoid caffeine before bedtime.
- Try to eat dinner a good 3-4 hours before heading to bed
- Leave your electronics in another room
- Get to bed in good time
- Try aromatherapy and essential oils to promote deep sleep. Lavander is a well-known sleep aid so try a pillow spray or candles.
- Make your bed every morning. Tidy house, tidy mind.
Let us know if you have any Feng Shui Tips to aid a better nights sleep, and if you give these a go- let us know!